Monday, February 22, 2010

The Second Day

The second day of class I made my way to the back of the lecture area, ready to escape any unnecessary attention. I quickly realized how different the view was, from where I had sat last week, right up front. I was able to observe my classmates, and quickly saw that most of them were avoiding eye contact with me. Part of me was surprised, but a bigger part of me was not.

We watched a safety video, and a video on stick Arc Welding. I watched and thought Oh that looks easy.

A few guys actually did talk to me. When Teach was discussing places to buy our text books, I piped up that had them much cheaper, they turned and asked questions like "How much?" or "For both the text and the workbook?" I noticed that the ones that did speak up were much older than I was. The younger ones kept their eyes forward.

Teach concluded by stating that the following class we would actually get to weld, because it was easier to explain things once we had already given it a try.


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